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Nestlé Charter
In our efforts to support breastfeeding to nurture a healthier generation, we strictly follow the following recommendations in line with WHO and local guidelines.
Nestlé Lanka Infant Milk & Infant Food Policy
Breastfeeding is best for babies. Henri Nestlé stated this soon after founding our company in 1867. This principle still forms the cornerstone of our Infant Milk & Infant Food Marketing Policy. We are committed to serve the best interests of mothers and babies around the world.
We adhere to all national government measures implementing the WHO Code globally. In higher-risk countries*, we voluntarily and unilaterally apply the WHO Code whether or not national regulations exist.
In higher-risk countries, Nestlé:
- DOES comply with the Local Code of Marketing of Infant Milk Foods, Infant Foods, Feeding Bottles and Teats and Valves for Feeding Bottles
- DOES comply with both the letter and the spirit of the World Health Organisation’s International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes as well as with national regulations giving effect to the WHO Code when these are stricter
- DOES support WHO's global public health recommendation calling for exclusive breastfeeding for six months and introduction of safe and appropriate complementary foods thereafter
- DOES encourage continued breastfeeding up to two years or beyond after introduction of safe and appropriate complementary foods
- DOES include a statement on the superiority of breast milk on all infant formula products and information material to health care professionals
- DOES warn mothers of the consequences of incorrect or inappropriate use of infant formula
- DOES believe that there is a legitimate market for infant formula when a safe alternative to breast milk is needed
- DOES believe that parents have the right to choose how their babies are to be fed on the basis of adequate and objective information
- DOES support efforts by governments to implement the International Code through legislation, regulation, or other appropriate measures
- DOES carry out internal and independent external audits on WHO Code compliance
- DOES investigate and respond to all allegations of non-compliance
- DOES NOT advertise or promote infant milk (infant formula, follow-on formula) and infant food (infant cereals) for infants up to 12 months to the public
- DOES NOT market complementary foods and drinks for infants younger than 6 months
- DOES NOT permit staff whose responsibilities include the marketing of infant milk and infant food to make direct contact with mothers, except in response to consumer complaints
- DOES NOT use pictures of babies on its infant milk and infant food packs
- DOES NOT distribute free infant milk and infant food samples to mothers
- DOES NOT allow educational material relating to the use of infant milk and infant food to be displayed publicly in hospitals and clinics
- DOES NOT give financial or material incentives to health care professionals for the purpose of promoting infant milk and infant food
- DOES NOT donate free infant milk and infant food to health care facilities for use by healthy new born babies. Free infant formula may exceptionally be given to health care facilities upon their written request to serve social or humanitarian purposes (e.g. where the government policy allows manufacturers to respond to a specific social request, for example if the mother dies in child birth)
- DOES NOT give incentives to its staff based on infant milk and infant food sales
- WILL take disciplinary measures against any Nestlé personnel who deliberately violates this policy
Nestlé invites government officials, health care professionals and consumers to draw to its attention to any Nestlé infant milk and infant food marketing practices in higher-risk countries which they consider are not in conformity with the above commitment.
* The designation of a country as a higher-risk country is based on reliable data on levels of mortality and rates of acute malnutrition of children under 5 years of age in a country.