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Nestlé established its presence in Sri Lanka more than one hundred years ago, commencing as a trading company in 1906 with condensed milk and infant-food products.

Strengthening our deep history and roots in the island, we became a public-quoted company in 1983 and began manufacturing our products locally in our factory in Kurunegala from 1984.

Today, we are proud to be known as Sri Lanka’s ‘local multinational’ and one of the country’s leading food and beverage companies. We produce some of the country’s best loved brands, catering to local palates and nutritional needs. We provide direct employment to more than 800 people and positively impact the livelihoods of over 25,000 people in total through our business.

We are one of Sri Lanka’s largest collectors of fresh milk and one of the largest exporters of coconut milk powder.

We are appreciated and recognised for our positive role in the country by our stakeholders every year. We were crowned Sri Lanka’s Best Corporate Citizen in the Manufacturing Sector by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in 2017 and 2018, and were ranked Sri Lanka’s Most Respected Food and Beverage company in 2016, 2017, 2018,2019 and 2022 in the LMD Most Respected Entities Publication. We were recognized for our efforts towards doing good for Sri Lanka, at the Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Awards in 2020 and 2021. We also won the Sri Lanka National Quality Awards 2022 in the Manufacturing (Large) Category.

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Take a look at our key highlights in 2021